Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Eighteen Months!

Our little Sammy is 18 months now. At her checkup, she finally made it above the 5th percentile. She is now 21 lbs and 31 in. tall. Despite her size, she can hold her own with her brother. She becomes quite vocal with a "delightful" scream when she's wants something he has. Trying to keep up with Andy keeps her very busy. They enjoy chasing, playing hide and go seek, blowing bubbles in the bathtub, reading books and dancing together. She loves to play and is very good at entertaining herself. Highlights from the last three months included a broken finger (courtesy of a bedroom door), the end of bottles and playing in the snow for the first time.

1 comment:

Heather Mayfield said...

She is SO cute! I can't believe she's 18 months old already.