Sunday, April 18, 2010

KSU Wilcats!

Apparently, all of the purple pride in our house is brainwashing our kids. We couldn't be prouder of Sammy trying her hardest to do the famous "K...S...U... Wildcats!" cheer.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Anniversary #10

Today, Scott and I celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary. Thank you to everyone who thought of us today and for all of the well wishes.
Tonight we enjoyed a perfect spring night and went on the first bike ride of the year. This was Sammy's first ride, her head is finally big enough for her helmet...sort of. Both kids enjoyed the ride.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

New Camera

This week we up graded to a fancy new grown-up camera. Next up...learn how to use the fancy camera so we get our money's worth. I did some practicing on the kids today.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

Last weekend we kicked off Easter a little early with two Easter Egg Hunts. It was a little cold in the morning, but that didn't stop the kids from having a great time. Andy was a little disappointed when Sammy found more eggs, but the eggs disappear a little quicker on the 4-6 year old field than the baby field.

Andy and I hit our second egg hunt that afternoon. It turned out to be a nice afternoon.

Andy picking up eggs at the MOYC Easter Egg Hunt

Yesterday we dyed our Easter Eggs

Easter Sunday was a beautiful day. It was warm enough that the Easter Bunny even hit eggs in our backyard. With Andy leading the way, it didn't take Sammy long to figure things out. She even found a few of Andy's eggs. The Easter Bunny brought the kids too much candy along with books and sand toys.