Monday, December 21, 2009

Andy's Fourth Birthday Extravaganza

Last weekend we celebrated Andy's 4th birthday. We are still recovering! We started the weekend with our annual trip to Union Station to see the model trains and Crown Center to eat at Fritz's. Apparently, the novelty of a train bringing chicken nuggets will never get old for Andy (his sister liked the trains, too!).

On Saturday, Dan and family along with my Mom and Ron arrived for Andy's party. This year the party was outsourced to Andy's indoor soccer program. He invited his whole preschool class for an afternoon of games, pizza and chocolate cake. The kids seemed to have a great time...and likely slept well after all that running!
Sharing lunch...
Nathan's ready to party

Andy and the girls...

On Sunday, we celebrated an early Christmas. The kids had a great time playing together. Andy wants to know when Abby is coming back!

On Andy's actual birthday, he opened a few more gifts from us and we took him to the restaurant of his choice for dinner. Since his birthday, Andy has been playing non-stop with his new toys. He has combined several of his favorites (e.g., construction site, fire station, garbage trucks) to make an elaborate "city."

Monday, December 7, 2009

OH Chistmas Tree!

After much pleading from Andy, we got out the Christmas tree this weekend. My little "helper", Andy and I took on the project during Sammy's nap. He was facinated by every ornament and only broke 3 in the process!
Sammy was also very facinated with the tree. She will not leave it alone. We will now spend the next 20 days tring to keep the ornaments ON the tree.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Breakfast with Santa

On Saturday, we took the kids to the annual "Breakfast with Santa" at our church. The morning included a pancake breakfast, craft projects, stories with Mrs. Claus, and a picture with Santa. This was the first year Andy was not afraid of the Big Man. He took full advantage of his time with Santa to tell him all of the toys he wants for Christmas. Sammy couldn't decide between crying and curiosity of the stranger.

Pancakes..."a special treat!"

Sammy crying

Writing a letter to Santa

Mailing our letter to Santa.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thanksgiving in KC

On Thanksgiving, we bundled up the kids and headed to the Plaza for the annual Plaza Lighting. It was a little cold, but I think the kids enjoyed the show, especially the fireworks.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Sammy at 15 months

"chocolate face"

Sammy is 15 months old today. Sammy remains a petite little thing weighing in at 20 lbs. this week (10th percentile). She has changed a lot since her first birthday. Around October 1st, she decided crawling was for babies and became a full time walker. It's amazing how mastering that developmental milestone has transformed her into a toddler. Sammy's communication skills have also advanced significantly. She now points at what she wants and throws a temper tantrum when she can't have what she wants. Sammy is full of tricks too. She can wave bye-bye, cover her mouth when she fake coughs, dance, signal a touchdown, splash in the tub and point out things in her books...all adorably cute. She's a good eater, a good sleeper and unless she's hungry or tired, she's a happy little girl.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Saturday was a very eventful day for the kids. Between pumpkin carving, the neighborhood party and trick or treating, they had a lot to keep them busy. Andy dressed up as a construction worker and Sammy wore Andy's 2006 purple dragon costume.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

Today, we made our annual trip south to the Powell Pumpkin Patch for pumpkins and a hay rack ride. On our way home, we stopped at the Louisburg Cider Mill for cider and cider donuts.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Visiting Our Cousins

Today, while the guys headed to Manhattan for some K-State football, Sammy and I made a quick trip to Columbia to see Dan and Michelle. It's nice to have them so close. I'm not sure what I'm going to do if they ever move farther away!
I think Abby was a little disappointed I didn't bring Andy along, but she had plenty of hugs and kisses for her cousin Sammy.

This adorable little guy is the newest addition to the Kolder family. Nathan is just over a month old. It won't be long before he will join Andy terrorizing the girls.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Construction Guy

It's official...Andy is ready for Halloween!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Greatest Show on Earth!

The Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus was in town this week and we took the kids on Saturday. Andy's favorite parts of the show were the elephants doing tricks. Sammy liked the animals too but, for the most part, the whole thing was lost on her. It's a good thing her ticket was free!

Friday, September 11, 2009

First Day of School

Andy had his first day of Preschool this week. It is at the same church where he has been going to Parent's Day Out for the last year, but this class feels more like "real" school. He even had a required school supplies list! At the end of the day, he wanted to stay and play a little longer instead of going home.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Labor Day Weekend

Andy started out his Labor Day weekend in Manhattan at his first K-State football game of the season. Scott and Andy then met Sammy and I in Lincoln for a day at the Nebraska State Fair. This is the last year the fair will be in Lincoln. Andy had a great day checking out the tractors and skid steer loaders with his Grandpa. It's been over 20 years since I've been to the fair, not much has changed.
Grandpa and Uncle Matt also took Andy (and Scott) fishing for the first time. Thanks to a loaded pond, the fishing was good. Andy was more into the tackle box and the cows, but he did help reel in a few fish.
The rest of the weekend was spent hanging out with cousin Trevor, mowing with Grandpa and making smores in the fire pit. Both kids had a great time and were exhausted when we got home.

Checking out the combine

Driving skid steer loader
Driving John Deere tractor
Fishing with mom...
Reeling in a big one

Fishing with Uncle Matt

Sammy loves puppies!!!
Calling my Aunt Michelle!