Sunday, February 27, 2011

President's Day

Last week at school, Andy's class made flags to celebrate President's Day. His teacher took a picture of each student "being the Statue of Liberty". Everything about this picture just makes me smile. He was very proud of his picture. I doubt he will be as excited when he's older and this picture shows up again:).

Friday, February 11, 2011

2 1/2 Years Old!

Sleeping Beauty in her Big Girl Bed

Last week was Sammy's two and a half birthday. We marked the occasion with a trip to the pediatrician. She is still 25% in height and moved up to 30% for weight. It must be all that milk she drinks!
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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Sammy's New Room

Over the weekend, Sammy moved to her new room! So far, she is doing great in her new pink room and big girl bed.

Snow Day!

It snowed and snowed and snowed yesterday! We received around 10 to 12 inches before it finally stopped. We were able to get some fresh air and play in the snow before the wind and cold set in last night. Andy and I ventured out a few times to clear off the driveway. With snow falling between 1 and 2 inches an hour, you could hardy tell I scooped by the time I made it to the bottom of the driveway.