Friday, May 8, 2009

9 Months

Sammy's 9th month was marked with a major milestone...crawling! She is now constantly on the move. Her crawling speed improves everyday, so we are trying to adjust back to a fully baby proofed house. This is more difficult with a three year old in the house.

In addition to crawling, she has also learned to go from the crawling postion to sitting up. We now find her every morning sitting up in her crib with a big smile.

This month she discovered number two foods, Puffs and teething biscuits! So far, she has loved everything we feed her. I can only hope this continues, one picky eater is enough.

Sammy riding in the wagon...

Baby pushups...

Checking out a teething biscuit...

Crawling around the kitchen...

We took this video the first day Sammy really started to crawl.

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