Miss Sammy is 10 months old today! This month she learned how to get herself around. She is crawling everywhere. Which also means that she is getting into everything. Opening drawers is one of her newest discoveries. I wonder how many times she will close the drawer on her fingers before she learns that lesson. Andy finds the new "on the go" Sammy very amusing. Just wait until she walks!
She also pulls up on everything. This makes bath time a challenge. A wet soapy baby trying to pull up on the side of the tub is cute, but never ends well.
Her first two teeth appeared this morning. Thankfully, teething didn't seem to faze her. Sammy is sleeping through the night, but she's an early riser. She is usually standing in her crib yelling for us between 5:30 and 6:00 am. She continues to be a rock star napper. She is still taking two naps a day and sleeps about 1 1/2 to 2 hours with each nap. Without her nap, Sammy is a mess and she struggles to fall asleep if she's not in her crib. Fortunately, it is a rare occasion that we get her off schedule.
Sammy has started to experience a little table food, but it's not her favorite. She has texture issues. She will still eat anything that comes in a baby food jar. Like her mommy, she gets a little fussy when she's hungry and isn't afraid to let us know. It can get a little loud around here at dinner time when both kids want to eat. I may need to invest in some ear plugs!

Good Morning!