Friday, December 14, 2012

Andy Turns 7!

Today was Andy's 7th birthday.  He started his day with some birthday presents and pancakes.  He had a fun day at school too.  Today his class decorated gingerbread houses.  Since I took the day off, I volunteered to help.  I'm still sticky!  Scott surprised Andy with lunch and I surprised his class as the mystery reader.  My pick, The Polar Express, was a big hit. 

After school, we took Andy and his friends, Cooper and Ian, to Legoland.  The boys wore themselves out building racecars, watching 4D movies, and riding the rides.  They also built Santa's workshop with the Master Builder.  We topped the evening off with dinner at Fritz's.  It was a good day to be Andy! 

Ready to go
Racing Cars
Sammy had a great time too!
Building Santa's workshop
Yum!  Chocolate shakes!
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Thursday, December 6, 2012

First Grade Christmas Music Program

Posted by PicasaAndy had his school music program tonight.  He made a very cute Santa.

Breakfast with Santa

Posted by PicasaDecember 1st was our annual "Breakfast with Santa" at church.  We enjoyed the usual pancakes, crafts and visit with Santa.  They were both eager to sit on Santa's lap this year.  Gone are the days of fear and tears for the man in red...just a little sad that they are growing up.


Posted by PicasaHalloween was a busy day in the Cooper house.  Both kids celebrated the day with school parties.  That evening, we headed down the street for the neighborhood party and trick or treating with friends.  It was a really fun day resulting in some really tired kids the next day!