Friday, July 20, 2012

All Star Game Fan Fest

This year, the annual All Star Game came to KC.  We took the kids downtown to check out Fan Fest.

Grass Heads

These hats were very popular. We "won" our hats early in the day at the Taco Bell steal a base exhibit. They quickly ran out of hats. The rest of the day, we were asked where we got the hats and Andy was even offered $20 for his. Unbelievably, he said no!

Andy's tatoo

Sam's tatoo

He caught a pop fly!

4th of July

The Fourth of July this year was memorable for the heat.  It was hot.  That didn't stop the kids from having a blast.  They started the day by decorating the tricycle and scooter before hitting the pool.  We ended the day with the neighborhood parade and party. 

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Omaha and the Zoo

Last month, Grandma Faye and I braved the heat and took the kids to the zoo.  We had a great time riding the train, the carousel, and checking out new areas of the zoo.  The hightlight of the day was picking out a new stuff animal to remember the trip. 

Misc Summer Pictures

The summer has been flying by.  These are just a few pictures from our summer adventures.

The Overland Park Arboretum:
We took Scott to the Arboretum for his birthday.  We also did a little practice hike in preparation for our upcoming trip to Colorado. 

Touch a Truck:
Waiting in line to sit in a truck is not my favorite way to spend a Sunday, but it made two kids happy.

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