Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

The Cooper family had a full day. Activities included parades and parties at school for both of the kids, followed by the annual neighborhood party and Trick-or-Treating. Sammy started the day as Snow White and finished up as Cinderella. Andy, once again, went with the Star Wars theme...he was Jengo Fett this year. It was a beautiful fall night and the kids had a great time!

Pumpkin Carving

Halloween Parades, Parties and Trick-or-Treating!

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Monday, October 24, 2011


Andy is playing team soccer for the first time. They play 3 against 3 with no goalie. Andy spends far more time chasing after the action than getting into the middle of it. We have one game left, and he is still looking for his first goal. But, the important thing is that he is having a great time and loves putting on his shin guards and cleats each week!

Pumpkin Patch

This past weekend, we made our annual trip to the Powell Pumpkin Patch to pick out our pumpkins followed by doughnuts at the Louisburg Cider Mill. We went a little later in the season this year, so we had to venture farther into the field to find our pumpkins. Thankfully, they have wagons.

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Friday, October 7, 2011

Lost Tooth

Andy lost his first tooth today at school. He has had a wiggley tooth for a few weeks with the permanent tooth coming in behind, so we have been preparing for the inevitable. Unfortunately, his first lost tooth is truely lost. It fell out at school and did not make it home with him. His story on how he lost it and where it might be located keeps changing. So, if we can't locate the missing tooth on Monday, I guess we will have to write the Tooth Fairy a note explaining the problem:).

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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

International Walk to School Day

Today was International Walk to School Day. For the Cooper Family, this involved getting up really early so we could make it to the "walking bus stop" on time. Our "walking school bus" took us through the neighborhood short cut to the next stop where we met up with other families. The bus made several more stops on the way to school. We were honored to have our principal, Mr Stouffer, join us on our walk. This was very exciting for the kids. Andy calls him the king of the school. Walking to school with our neighbors was a fun way to start the day!

"Walking Bus Stop"

Walking to school:

Our last "bus stop"

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