Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Wedding Videos

These are a few of the videos we took last weekend at the wedding.

I took this video during pictures. This is a long one, but I was so proud of Andy and so impressed by the assistants techniques that I had to share.

Andy walking down the aisle...

Andy dancing with the flower girl during the wedding party dance...

Monday, April 20, 2009

Weekend Wedding

Over the weekend, we road tripped to Lincoln for Kim (my first cousin) and Brian's wedding. Matt, Dan and their families were all home for the occasion. Andy had the honor of being ring bearer and was very excited to wear a tuxedo. Despite no nap on Saturday, he made it through a rehearsal, pictures and walking up and down the aisle like a wedding pro! We also learned that Andy loves wedding receptions, especially when there is chocolate cake and a live country band. He danced until he was too tired to dance anymore. Then he wanted to be held, but didn't want to leave the dance floor.

For the most part, the kids had a great time. It was really great to all be together. By the end of the weekend, we all had some pretty exhausted kids (and parents).

Andy trying on his tux...

Cousin Abby and Sammy...

Cousins Abby and Trevor eating together at the reception...

Andy and Abby on the dance floor...

Tired kids...

Sammy with Aunt Michelle and Abby...

Andy and Abby...

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

We worked very hard preparing for the Easter Bunny this week. On Tuesday, Grandma Faye helped us decorate Easter cookies. On Saturday, we dyed the eggs.

The Easter Bunny did not disappoint. Andy was very excited running around the house finding eggs. This will be the last year he gets to do this without his sister's help! He was even more excited to find his Easter basket full of chocolate, Peeps and Play Doh.

Dying Easter eggs...

Andy and Sammy checking out their Easter baskets...

Sammy in her Easter dress...
Apparently, all of the Easter celebrating wore Sammy out!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

8 Months Old!

This was another month with a lot of changes for Miss Sammy. She has mastered the ability to sit up on her own. When she does fall over, it is usually intentional and she is trying to reach something. She's not crawling, but she finds a way to scoot herself around and spends a lot of time on her hands and knees rocking.

She is no longer a quiet baby. Solid food has changed our little girl into a screamer. When we put her in the booster seat and start to get her meal ready, she starts yelling and gesturing for food. She doesn't stop until she gets what she wants. And don't think about taking a break until she is full or else she starts yelling again. It can get pretty loud in the kitchen when Andy tries to compete with her for our attention.

Sammy is a pretty good sleeper as long as she is in her crib. Gone are the days where she would sleep on the go. So for the time being, we are slaves to her nap schedule. She also decided to wean herself from her pacifier this month. Since about 6 months old, all she does is chew on it.

We also graduated to the big tub this month. It took her awhile to get used to it, but now she loves to sit in the water and play with the bath toys.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Easter Egg Hunt

On Saturday, Andy and I went Easter egg hunting at the Annual MOYC (Mother's of Young Childrean) Easter Egg Hunt.

Andy is ready to go!

Andy and his friend Sofia are comparing their loot.

Andy and his buddy, Sofia

Lots of candy and we had to eat it all!

Sharing his stickers with his little sister since she was napping during the hunt

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Baby Yoga

Sammy thinks it's time to start crawling. I disagree! She's pretty good at scooting herself backwards across the room, but hasn't figured out how to go forward yet. Sometimes she can scoot herself in the direction she wants to go, but most of the time she ends up scooting herself under the couch or bed and gets stuck.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Sunday in the Snow

It warmed up on Sunday, allowing Andy to get outside and play. A yard full of snow is way better than a sandbox. He spent hours digging with his trucks. Twenty-four hours later, it was all gone, including our snowman, Ned.