This was another month with a lot of changes for Miss Sammy. She has mastered the ability to sit up on her own. When she does fall over, it is usually intentional and she is trying to reach something. She's not crawling, but she finds a way to scoot herself around and spends a lot of time on her hands and knees rocking.
She is no longer a quiet baby. Solid food has changed our little girl into a screamer. When we put her in the booster seat and start to get her meal ready, she starts yelling and gesturing for food. She doesn't stop until she gets what she wants. And don't think about taking a break until she is full or else she starts yelling again. It can get pretty loud in the kitchen when Andy tries to compete with her for our attention.
Sammy is a pretty good sleeper as long as she is in her crib. Gone are the days where she would sleep on the go. So for the time being, we are slaves to her nap schedule. She also decided to wean herself from her pacifier this month. Since about 6 months old, all she does is chew on it.
We also graduated to the big tub this month. It took her awhile to get used to it, but now she loves to sit in the water and play with the bath toys.