Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Sammy is One Month Old!

Sammy facts:
-one month old this week
-weighed 7lbs 12oz today (Andy was 6lbs 6oz at this point)
-has already had her first cold/ear infection
-loves kisses from her big brother
-loves to look at her big brother..he gets pretty excited when she does!
-sleeps about 18-20 hours a day
-eats 6-8 times everyday (usually twice at night)
-hates the hiccups which she still has a couple times a day
-looks cute in anything...including her brother's hand-me-downs!

The monthly picture with Clancy (we did this with Andy).

This is a pic of Andy at the same age minus the cheeks and double chin!

Life with Andy

Today was a big day at our house. They are resurfacing the road in front of our house this week. Andy is watching the equivalent of "Bessie" (from the movie Cars) driving down the road along with multiple dump trucks. As if that wasn't enough, the driver of "Bessie" waved at him! Excitement overload!

Andy received a new blanket today in the mail from his Great-Grandma Cooper. He promptly ran upstairs to his bed to read books with his new blanket. Thanks Nelda!

Andy and his friend, Tata, driving their fire trucks.

Andy and Sammy hanging out after their naps.